Online Learning Journal for INF506 – OLJ1

Here are my thoughts at the beginning of my Online Learning Journal for the subject INF506 “Social Networking for Information Professionals”.


Definition of Social Networking

  • ‘social’ implies a personal connection between people who share similar interests, ideas or experiences.
  • ‘Networking’ has overtones of making business contacts or of a network of roads or nerves/ blood vessels in the human body.

‘Social networking” = a linking of like-minded people through the use of interactive technologies that allow members to respond to others in their  ‘social network’.


Social Networking Technologies and Sites I Use

Blogs: I

  • have regularly read other’s blogs and created my own for several years, for both personal and professional use.
  • have kept a personal blog for almost 2 years to reflect on recent life changes and as a means of maintaining a connection with distant friends.
  • began organizing the blogs I read using Google Reader when my browser bookmarks list became unwieldy.
  • this blog was begun for an assignment for Teacher Librarianship (ETL401) in February  2010, and have used it as an online journal of my learning into teacher librarianship


  • began using it as a means of keeping track of research for assignments a couple of months ago
  • haven’t used it’s networking function yet.


  • have used Facebook for about 18 months as a means of connecting with distant friends, family and colleagues as well as finding old school friends.
  • primarily used it for social and recreational use (games) until now.


What I Expect to Learn From Completing INF506

  • how to set up and use various social networking technologies/ sites
  • develop some understanding of the educational, informational and social value of such technologies/ sites
  • refine my skills in evaluation and critical analysis
  • complete my first social networking ‘project’ and gain knowledge, understanding and experiences that I can use in my future career as a teacher librarian

About robynstlreflections

I never expected to become a teacher. After graduating from Sydney Univeristy with a BA (Hons), I worked for a couple of years before "going bush". When I started working as a governess I discovered that I enjoyed teaching, so studied for a Grad Dip Ed. After teaching in public schools in the Northern Territory for two years then in Queensland for 10 more, I moved back to NSW with my family in 2009. Now it's time for a change in direction. I've always enjoyed introducing my students discover the joys of literature and I'm excited by the educational possibilities developing in the digital world. So in 2010 I've begun studying by Distance Education for a Masters in Education in Teacher Librarianship with Charles Sturt University.
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